Top 10 Bizarre Prehistoric Animals

The first animal that we think about when talking about prehistoric animals may very well be a Tyrannosaurs Rex. But frankly speaking, there are many more animals that can be talked about when we are talking about animals belonging to prehistoric times. In most of the cases, we might just not at all be aware… Read More »

Top 10 Unusual Ancient Weapons

Since the earliest civilizations we, the humans have always had a tendency to get along with the act of expansion of the power that we possess. More often than not the power is shown by expanding the lands under our control. For expansion what we needed was to indulge ourselves in war and win them.… Read More »

Top 10 Spices of India

There is no doubt of the fact that spices are the entity that has always been the reason for the fame that the land has all over the world. The kind of flavors that the spices of India can lend to a food is absolutely incredible. It has always created stirs in the stomach and… Read More »

Top 10 Most Famous Failed Doomsday Prophecies

Probably during the times of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, nobody was actually thinking about the end of the world. All people were concerned about was the fact that the world was going through the period of invention and advancement of technology and that was all that mattered. But with the passage of time,… Read More »

Top 10 Civilizations That Disappeared Mysteriously

We are in this 21st Century because of the fact that the initial development for us was done by the ancient civilizations that were never actually linked with one another. Just imagine the scenario when we know that the civilization exists but we do not know that how it actually came to an end. Just… Read More »

Top 10 Unusual Death Rituals

Death has always been of great curiosity for the Humans. The main feature that makes Humans more humane is the fact that they are always curious about things that eludes their knowledge. Eventually we made a lot of efforts to make inroads for information about death and what happens after death! But the sad part… Read More »