Category Archives: World

Top 10 Countries of the World Without Military Forces

Probably they are the best examples of how a country can exist without the troubles of a War or anything else. War has given nothing but just a distraction to literally all the countries of the World. Apart from the people involved, War has also affected people who actually have not done anything and yet… Read More »

Top 10 Lost Cities of the World

We have a past that is not so great when we are talking of the distractions that we have faced. There is no doubt of the fact that we have created the masterpieces but we have lost a lot also. Since the dawn of the earliest civilizations we have created some great cities. These cities… Read More »

Top 10 Inventions of the 21st Century

The modern world that we live in is literally made up of the technological discoveries and the inventions done by out scientists and inventors. In the past the event that took hours to happen is done in minutes in the present times. We do not have to wait for hours and days to achieve something… Read More »