Author Archives: topweb

Top 10 Fastest Military Aeroplanes

The history of flying machines being used in war dates back to the time when the French used Hot Air Balloons to keep a note of the movement of the enemy. Since then the military aviation has seen some wonderful and ecstatic changes that have made the warfare segment of the army much stronger. It… Read More »

Top 10 Greatest Inventors of Mankind

This is supposedly one of the toughest lists that can be actually devised. One can never actually be completely unbiased when making this list. But speaking of facts, I think that the names that should be taken off as the greatest inventors must be the people who thought of something even when they did not… Read More »

Top 10 Inventions of the 19th Century

Inventions and discoveries have been the two most important things that have led the people of the 19 century. If we think about the discoveries that have led us to this formation of life we will surely realize that life in the past was not what we call as easy or great. Rather the lives… Read More »

Top 10 Technologies That have been Lost

We are living in this 21st century and literally everything around us has some sort of extreme fine technology involved within it. But at the same time one cannot deny the fact that during the course of invention of these things many other things and technologies have been created that also have been lost in… Read More »

Top 10 Amazing Cities that did not exist in 1960

Since the dawn of the earliest of civilizations the quality of developing new cities and living around them and making those legends has been the quality of humans that makes us one of the best beings on this surface of the earth. The development of these cities took loads of time and efforts. But with… Read More »

Top 10 Recent Scientific Breakthroughs

We Humans have always been a hell lot fascinated by the term called science. Starting from the discoveries of gravity of Newton to the statement of relativity by Albert Einstein, we have done all the great deeds that make us the superior of all the beings present on this planet earth. It has been us… Read More »

Top 10 Non-Lethal Weapons

The idea is not to kill every time. You just cannot go around shooting everyone in the head; there have to be some other way by which punishing can be fun and at the same time more painful for the convict. That is the very reason why, warfare developers have always tried to invent weapons… Read More »