When you decide to buy a car without barely having an idea of the appropriate options available in the market. By being advised by your colleague or a friend, you buy a car insurance through online mode. You get to know that there are companies offering car insurance policies at a very competitive rate. Therefore, you end up buying the cheapest full coverage car insurance. The companies provide you with the required benefits and you also save some money.
When you buy a new car insurance it involves evaluating so many various parameters. It also helps in providing different methods to ensure maximum protection from potential risks. You can easily reduce your stress and anxiety. Also when you purchase a full coverage car insurance, it will lower the expenses. It is intelligent to seek guidance by insurance experts. There are so many cheapest full coverage car insurance available in the market.
So we have tried to pick for you the cheapest full coverage car insurance. You came to the right place, if you are seeking quality car insurance options. Let’s clear out all your doubts and thoughts. Keep reading till the end for better understanding.

What is the cheapest full coverage car insurance?
A policy that covers liability insurance as well as comprehensive and collision coverage is now referred to as having full coverage car insurance. All the other coverage mandated by your state is also covered by a “full coverage vehicle insurance” policy.
Increased liability limits and other coverage are available as upgrades for your full coverage car insurance policy. Your need for auto insurance will influence how much coverage you purchase, in part.
What Is Covered by Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance?
Liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance are typically included in the cheapest full coverage car insurance, with each type of coverage providing a different level of protection. These details pertain to each coverage. The minimum coverage requirements for auto insurance are those set forth by your state. Property damage and bodily injury liability, which covers any injuries and damages you may cause while driving, are typically included in the needed coverage. If you cause an accident and merely have minimum coverage, your insurance won’t pay for any injuries you sustain or vehicle damage you cause.
You can have more protection for both yourself and your car by choosing full coverage auto insurance. Full coverage is often defined as having medical payments coverage, comprehensive and collision coverage, as well as roadside assistance and rental reimbursement, even if there isn’t an industry-wide definition. You can customize your coverage limits and comprehensive and collision deductibles to meet your needs. Find out what special extras you may add to your auto insurance coverage to make it more comprehensive by speaking with your insurance provider or agent.
Liability protection
Injuries and property damage to others’ property that you unintentionally inflict with your vehicle are covered by liability car insurance. For instance, your liability insurance will cover the driver’s medical expenses and automobile repair costs, up to the limits of your policy, if you unintentionally collide with another vehicle, injure the driver, and damage their vehicle. If you are sued because of an automobile accident, liability insurance also pays for court verdicts or settlements and the expense of your defense.
Three numbers are used to represent liability car insurance, such as 50/100/50. The maximum payout limit for each section of your liability insurance is represented by these figures.
What this phrase means is:
- 50 denotes a bodily harm responsibility of $50,000 for each accident victim.
- 100 denotes a total culpability for physical injury of $100,000 for one motor accident.
- 50 denotes a liability for $50,000 in property damage per accident.
There will be a minimum liability coverage requirement set down by your state. Particularly if you cause a serious or multiple-car accident, the majority of state minimums are insufficient. It’s a good idea to purchase greater limits, like 100/300/100, to safeguard your assets and your rights.
Liability car insurance only protects individuals who are injured by you in a collision. You, your passengers, or your car are not covered by liability insurance.
Comprehensive and collision insurance
Despite being independent coverage, collision and comprehensive coverage are frequently sold combined.
Collision protection. regardless of fault, pay to repair or replace your automobile if it collides with another car or object, like a fence or pole. Collision insurance also covers the upheaval of your car, like an unintentional embankment roll.
A vehicle’s damages caused in an accident are covered by collision coverage. The following are typical circumstances in which collision claims are made:
- Hit someone from behind
- Colliding with a stationary, inanimate item
- Car damage brought on by a hit-and-run* *
You can use the property damage element of your uninsured driver insurance policy’s coverage rather than collision. To cover collisions caused by uninsured drivers, we advise you to have an uninsured/under-insured motorist policy.
The amount that the insured must pay as a deductible is part of the collision policy. The auto insurance provider will pay the outstanding portion of the claim. The deductible’s size varies, with the majority of them ranging between $500 and $1,000.
No matter who was at fault, collision coverage will still be in effect. The majority of collision cases are viewed as negligent mishaps. Because of this, your insurance price will rise if you use your collision coverage. Because collision claims and at-fault accidents are seen by insurance companies as being very similar occurrences, insurers frequently increase drivers’ premiums following any type of collision claim. This interest rate penalty may apply for up to three years.
Comprehensive protection pays for the repair or replacement of your car in the event that it is stolen or suffers damage from falling objects, fire, vandalism, flooding, hail, hitting an animal, or extreme weather.
Take the case when your car skids on ice and collides with a guardrail. Your car’s damage would be covered under collision coverage (and your liability coverage would pay for the damaged guardrail).
Your comprehensive insurance would cover the cost of repairs if your car was hit with hail and sustained numerous dings.
A deductible of $500 or $1,000 applies to both collision and comprehensive insurance. Your claimed cheque will have the deductible subtracted from it. For instance, your insurance company will pay you $1,000 if the cost of accident repairs is $1,500 and your deductible is $500.
If your automobile is a total loss or is stolen, collision and comprehensive will reimburse you for the depreciated value of your car. The worth of your car just before the damage or accident, less your deductible, is the highest claim payout for collision and comprehensive insurance.
Although no state has a law requiring collision and comprehensive coverage, your lender will probably insist that you have both if your automobile is financed or leased.
What additional coverage could a full coverage policy include?
Some states require that an automobile insurance policy include additional coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage, personal injury protection coverage, and medical payments coverage are examples of common state-mandated coverage.
Insurance for uninsured drivers
If the at-fault driver is uninsured and causes an accident that injures you or your passengers, uninsured motorist coverage will cover your medical costs. If the at-fault driver is uninsured, it might also cover damage to your automobile, depending on where you live and the coverage you select. Uninsured motorist insurance is offered at limits that correspond to your liability insurance. Some states mandate uninsured motorist coverage, while others make it optional.
Insurance coverage for injuries and medical expenses
No matter who caused the car collision, personal injury protection (PIP) covers your and your passengers’ medical costs. PIP insurance also covers missed wages and substitute services, including child care, if your injuries prevent you from performing a necessary job. Certain states demand PIP. Others either don’t offer it or make it optional.
Regardless of who was at blame for the accident, medical payments coverage (MedPay) assists in covering the costs of your and your passengers’ related medical expenses. If given at all, it is elective in the majority of states but obligatory in a few.
There are additional sorts of car insurance coverage you can add on to your full coverage policy to increase its scope even further. Roadside assistance, gap insurance, and rental reimbursement are further protections that are optional.
What Does full Coverage Not Include?
Although it may seem like full coverage car insurance would cover all eventualities, it does not. Generally speaking, a complete coverage policy will not provide:
- You purposefully cause harm.
- Driving a car while on business (you usually need commercial car insurance)
- Speed-related events or racing
- Mechanical repairs or breakdowns
- Your automobile was burglarized of personal items (look to your home insurance or renters insurance for coverage)
- Aspects of your car that are not permanently installed
- The vehicle’s deterioration
The best protection you can get is full coverage, but even the best full coverage policy won’t cover all eventualities.
The following are some examples of the kinds of topics that full coverage does not cover:
- Intentional injury, such as setting your automobile on fire
- Standard wear and tear
- General maintenance, such oil changes or new brake pads
- Stolen personal effects from your vehicle, such as a phone or laptop
- Damage in excess of the limits of your insurance
- Any damage that occurred while racing illegally or otherwise violates the terms of your policy
Full coverage can refer to automobile insurance that contains a variety of various forms of coverage as full coverage isn’t actually a type of auto insurance policy.
Other optional coverage, such as gap insurance, which settles the remaining balance of a lease or loan when your car is totaled, or roadside assistance, which covers the costs if you become stranded on the side of the road and require a tow or a jump-start, are frequently added by drivers in addition to comprehensive and collision insurance.
The types of coverage required by your state will also affect what is included by a full coverage policy. For instance, your policy will always contain uninsured motorist coverage if your state mandates it for drivers.
Even though “complete coverage” may sound like it would protect you in every circumstance, that isn’t the reality. Since it frequently only refers to insurance contracts that include collision and comprehensive coverage, the phrase “full coverage” might be deceptive. Experts advise maintaining high liability limits for bodily injury and property damage coverage in order to be truly fully covered. Drivers should also think about acquiring extra coverage that will further safeguard you and your car. Even if coverage like Personal Injury Protection is not necessary, it is still worth thinking about, especially in no-fault areas.
Is Full Coverage car insurance the Best Option for You?
Lenders typically require you to carry full coverage if you have a financed or leased vehicle. Lenders require insurance in the event that the car is totaled or damaged before the loan is repaid.
In contrast to comprehensive and collision coverage that are part of a full coverage policy, liability insurance does not pay to have your car fixed or replaced if it is damaged in an auto accident, by theft, by fire, or by the elements.
You need comprehensive coverage auto insurance if your vehicle is more recent. Collision and comprehensive insurance might not be worthwhile for you if your car is paid off and not worth much. When making a choice, consider if you have the money to replace your automobile if it is stolen or damaged or to pay for repairs if it is in an accident. Your response ought to aid you in deciding if full protection is best for you.
Factors That Influence the Price of Full Coverage car Insurance
Although vehicle insurance companies have different methods for determining premiums, they often take into account the same key rating factors:
- Where you reside: Drivers in metropolitan regions experience greater accident rates since these locations tend to be more densely inhabited. Higher rates will also be found in areas with worse weather, more crime, or more expensive repairs.
- Your record as a driver: You’ll pay less if you don’t have any tickets or accidents on your record than someone who does.
- Your era: Full coverage often costs more for young and older drivers. Due to their inexperience, teen drivers pay higher rates, and as senior drivers age, their prices rise due to a deterioration in their driving abilities and reaction times.
- Your gender (in states that allow it, most do): Compared to young women, young men are thought to drive more dangerously, thus they must pay more. Up until they reach their senior years, rates for drivers decrease as they get older. Because men are viewed as being more reckless drivers in their later years, rates for senior women may once again be lower than those for men.
- An experience of driving: The chance of an accident is higher for inexperienced drivers, so they should pay more.
- Car insurance history: You might pay extra if you’ve already filed an auto insurance claim. Furthermore, if you’ve had coverage gaps, your rates may be higher.
- Financial history: Rates may increase if your credit-based insurance score is low. In California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Michigan, using a credit-based insurance score to determine how much insurance to purchase is prohibited.
- Vehicle design: The amount you pay for complete coverage depends on past claims for your car’s make and model, repair costs, and vehicle value.
- Deduction options: You can save money by increasing the comprehensive and collision insurance deductibles. You might also have a deductible for other coverage like uninsured property damage coverage or personal injury protection, depending on where you live.
How to find the cheapest full coverage car insurance?
- Establish the coverage limits
Low liability limits are an option if you want to purchase full coverage auto insurance at the lowest possible cost. Your state’s minimal criteria are the lowest liability limits that are feasible. To receive considerably stronger protection, raising your limitations often doesn’t cost much more. For instance, according to our analysis, increasing Indiana’s liability coverage limits from 50/100/50 to 100/300/100 costs about $34 annually. Look for limitations that offer the best protection while remaining within your price range. You have the opportunity to enhance your coverage limits or add other optional coverage types after meeting the minimum coverage requirements set forth by your state. Your liability limits should be about equivalent to your assets in order to safeguard yourself against the financial repercussions of an accident.
- Increasing your deductibles
Each deductible for collision and comprehensive insurance is a dollar sum removed from the settlement of your claim. Deductibles for auto insurance normally range from $250 to $2,500. By selecting a greater deductible, you can reduce the cost of full coverage auto insurance.The amount you must pay before making a comprehensive or collision claim is known as a car insurance deductible. Lower premiums are associated with higher deductibles, but you should pick one that you could comfortably afford if the need ever arose.
- Request price reductions
Going paperless, paying your policy in full, and combining your car and house insurance are just a few of the price reductions that are frequently provided for car insurance. In order to obtain even more affordable full coverage insurance, it never hurts to inquire about your eligibility for additional benefits. Companies use a variety of methodologies to calculate premiums, taking into account a customer’s driving history, location, and vehicle, among other things. So, the greatest way to get the most economical choice is to compare rates.
- Compare prices
Comparing car insurance quotes from many auto insurance providers is the most efficient approach to find affordable full coverage insurance. Shop for comparable policies with the same coverage, limits, and deductibles so you can compare them and figure out which one would cost you the least for full coverage auto insurance. By simply doing some comparison shopping, you can save hundreds or more. Vehicle safety discounts, responsible driver discounts, and discounts for participating in defensive driving courses are just a few of the discounts that car insurance companies provide.
We examined car insurance rates, coverage options provided, and complaints against each firm to determine which ones gave the cheapest full coverage auto insurance.
Rates for auto insurance (50%): To determine the typical prices charged by each business, we used information from Quadrant Information Services, a supplier of insurance data and analytics.
- Options for auto insurance coverage (25% of the final score): In this category, we awarded points to firms who provide SR-22s, usage-based insurance, vanishing deductibles, new car replacement, and accident forgiveness.
- Complaints (25 percent of the final score): We used information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners on vehicle insurance complaints.
The coverage limits stated above, along with any additional coverage mandated by the state, were used to calculate the average and lowest full coverage premiums per state (personal injury protection, MedPay, medical benefits, liability for death, and property protection).
How can you find the cheapest full coverage car insurance?
You can find the cheapest insurer through the analyzed information about the minimum coverage rates. You can easily go for the insurance that has a rating of 4.5 stars and can eliminate the one that didn’t have this much rating. You can go for the criteria we have mentioned on our website for better information. There are companies in the United States that offer auto insurance in every state. There are some that don’t offer such insurances. You will definitely find the cheapest full coverage car insurance available in the market.
Our websites provide you with the best information. The details here are authentic and analyzed properly. You can blindly trust the prices we have mentioned here in the article because we have analyzed the prices properly. These are sampled from the locale in the country where you will find coverage and rates are available. You will find the cheapest full coverage car insurance. Comparing prices from many carriers is the greatest strategy to locate reasonably priced full coverage auto insurance. Our rate study found that Travelers and USAA were the cheapest, but several other carriers also provided cost-effective complete coverage. Examine the lowest full coverage vehicle insurance providers to get a feel of where to begin your search.
Where to find cheapest full-coverage car insurance?
The easiest method to ensure that you discover the cheapest full-coverage car insurance rates is to shop around and compare prices from several providers. While shopping, seek for:
- The least expensive companies: Some carriers are better than others at providing affordable full-coverage to various classes of drivers. Compare prices to see which businesses are providing the greatest value for your requirements.
- What “full-coverage” implies to each company varies: For example, some firms give drivers who purchase full-coverage policies additional benefits like travel interruption expense coverage or accident forgiveness. To acquire the most coverage for your money, be aware of what each company will offer.
There are still other things you can do to get lower rates after you identify a provider of cheapest full-coverage car insurance, like:
- Enrolling in a defensive driving course: If you’ve just finished a defensive driving course, most insurance companies will give you a discount. Make sure to inform your employer.
- Changing to usage-based car insurance: With usage-based car insurance, your rates are partially determined by how much (or how well) you drive. Many businesses provide usage-based discount schemes as a means of saving money.
- Bundling house and car insurance: Almost every insurer offers customers a discount on full coverage if they combine their home and auto insurance.
- Re-shopping and changing carriers: If your current provider is no longer giving you the best deals on full-coverage rates, you are free to change providers. To make sure you’re still getting the best value, it’s a smart idea to compare the shop before to your renewal date.
List of the cheapest full coverage car insurance companies
We have tried to list the cheapest full coverage car insurance companies available in the market. Hop on them one after the other.
- State Farm
This is the best and the cheapest full coverage car insurance company for all drivers. It is the largest insurance company in the country. The insurance company has the best rates in 25 states, if you are not eligible for USAA. It has a large network of local agents, you will find a state farm agent that will help you to compare cheapest rates. There are a few benefits through which drivers can enroll in certain programs.
Programs like Drive safe & Save with which drivers can turn good driving habits into affordable quotes. This will help you in qualifying discounts that includes an accident free discount, multi-car discount and also anti-theft discount. The company also offers options like liability insurance, personal injection protection, comprehensive and collision coverage. There are other coverage that come under this company like pet coverage, ride share insurance and also roadside insurance. This is one of the cheapest full coverage car insurance companies.
- Auto Owners
This is the best company with which drivers can get the cheapest car insurance policies. The minimum coverage policy from which the auto owners cost an average of $36 per month. This is cheaper than the average across the US. A minimum car insurance coverage is not the best for drivers. It doesn’t provide protection against damage to your car’s damage. The liability limits that include minimum coverage are not high enough to cover the cost for the major accidents.
Hence, full coverage of the car insurance is important for drivers of new cars for daily commuters. The company keeping this fact in mind offers inexpensive full car coverage insurance at $120 per month on an average. Drivers are very happy with the offers the company provides that are too inexpensive. The company receives around 33% complaints when compared to other companies. The only downside for the company is that it is available only in 26 states. If the drivers are unable to find car insurance from Auto owners then they can buy it from State Farm company. It is one of the cheapest full coverage car insurance companies.
- American Family
The company has some good and cheapest full coverage car insurance policies. The minimum coverage policy of this company costs around $53 per month, on the other hand the full coverage costs $140 per month. The company stands out when it comes to savings through discounts. The car insurance policies are slightly more expensive than other companies mentioned above. You may pay less if you get qualified for the company’s many car insurance discounts.
If you have bundle insurance for multiple policies, can drive safely or shopped for a new policy in advance then you can easily earn discounts.
The company also offers various car insurance discounts to young drivers. Car insurance policies like a good student discount, teen safe driver discount and young volunteer discounts are offered to them. This is a good cheapest full coverage car insurance company.
- Erie
The company possesses the most affordable car insurance quotes for drivers along with a ticket, accident and DUIs on their driving records. Taking an example of a driver having a single ticket pays around $112 per month for full coverage that is 39% cheaper than other companies. The company increases auto insurance rates after driving incidents. It will raise the rates by 11% only if you get a ticket, whereas some companies raise the quotes by 23% and sometimes more.
For any fault or accident the company will raise rates by 27% instead of average 49%. The average quote of the company with DUI is $162 per month with an increase of 67%. On the other hand, some companies raise the rate by an average of 83% after DUIs. The customers of the company can avoid the rate increase if they are eligible for the Rate lock program.
This could cause the cost to creep up the years. This means that your car insurance cost will not increase if you get a ticket or you film a claim. The company has a reputed status in the market as one of the best cheapest full coverage car insurance companies.
- Allstate
The company possesses the cheapest car insurance rates for the new drivers. To the ones who are looking for a single insurance policy. The minimum coverage policy coverage costs $85 per month for young drivers of age below 25 years old with no experience. Therefore it is not the only way for teenagers to share it with their parents. In association with cheap rate policy the company does provide a good amount of discounts to cater the needs of the driver.
The company offers discounts for new drivers which includes automatic payment discounts, paperless discount and smart student discount. But there are some issues to be considered before opting for the company. The issues like no service is provided by the company after an accident.
The company scored below average in the ratings conducted by JDs. According to a survey it is found that the company takes a lot of time to get you back on the road after a crash. But it is the cheapest full coverage car insurance company when considered for other policies.
- Nationwide
If you are a safe driver and have a good driving record then the company might offer you with the cheapest insurance policy. The company offers two kinds of policies: the first one is usage based and the second one is pay-per-mile auto insurance. These kinds of policies help the driver to save on car insurances. The drivers who have drove 12000 miles per year can be benefited from pay-per-mile insurance plan i.e. SmartMiles. This helps in keeping track of the number of miles you have driven.
There is another plan that the company offers is SmartRide. It is a usage based insurance plan that is cheaper than other plans. The insurance rates under this depend on how often well you drive. Safe drivers can save up to 40% by enrolling in SmartRide. So this shows that the company Nationwide is good for the drivers having clean driving records, for students living on campus, people who are retired. It is the cheapest car insurance company for people.
- Geico
The company has the cheapest driving quotes for the drivers having poor credit scores. The full coverage policy for drivers is $212 per month that is 16% cheaper than the national average for drivers with poor credits. Drivers having poor credit scores pay 70% extra from the drivers having good credit scores. Your improvement in credit scores will help you in getting a cheaper car insurance policy. You will get cheaper auto insurance quotes.
The company also offers so many discounts with which you can lower your insurance rates. This includes usage based discounts and safe driver discounts. This also includes discounts for building homes plus auto insurance. This is one of the cheapest full coverage car insurance companies in the market.
The company is available in 50 states including Washington DC. It is the fifth largest car insurance company in the country. It serves so many drivers like companies like Allstate and Progressive etc. The military members, veterans and their families are eligible for the company. The company stands out from the mainstream companies due to its best reputation in the industry. It has the best customer services.
The company stands on the top position in the J.D. ratings. In a survey it is found that the company gives the claims way easier than other companies after an accident. It helps the drivers to get back to track quickly after an accident. It has a low complaint record that means customers don’t have many complaints about support and claims. It is the cheapest full coverage car insurance company.
There are a few factors that determine car insurance policies.
To make the right decision in selecting a car insurance policy, you need to consider a few factors in mind. These factors will help you in opting the cheapest full coverage car insurance.
- Driving records
The insurer will cross-check your previous driving record at the time of you buying the policy. If someone is involved in multiple car accidents then the insurance rate automatically increases. Also frequent registrations for claims can influence the prices. To reduce the premium price, you should maintain your driving record perfect and clean.
- Features and type of cars
The type of car you possess and the features it bears, will determine the premium of the car insurance. The ones having luxurious cars have to pay more premiums as the costs of repairs are expensive. It is suggested to install safety devices in your car that will help you in reducing the premium rates to an extent.
- Deductibles
This can impact your car insurance premium costs and one should enter the deductible percentage while using a calculator. This will automatically reduce the price of the premium of insurance plans.
- Car age and coverage
These are other factors that too determine the premium of the car insurance policy. Owners with less pocket budget can go for comprehensive plans to reduce their expenses.
Your needs and requirements depend on the type of insurance. It also depends on the situation you are dwelling in. You need to evaluate all limits that can work for you for better coverage. The car insurance will be different if you have a new car and you want the best policy compared with the policy of an old car. We have listed down the insurance policies available in the market. These policies are the best cheap car insurance policies.
- Liability Insurance
Injury on body and property damage liability leads to auto insurance that is mandatory in many states. The company pays for damage and injuries if you cause an auto accident. Most of the states require a minimum amount of liability car insurance. You can get higher limits if the budget allows.
Uninsured and Under-insured Motorist Coverage
This insurance policy is available in a few states and optional in others. Uninsured insurance is paid when you get hit by the vehicle that doesn’t carry liability insurance. If the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough liability insurance to cover all of your medical expenses, under-insured motorist insurance kicks in.
Collision and Comprehensive Insurance
These types of loans are not required by state laws but are mandated by insurance companies if you are having a car loan or lease. Until and unless you don’t drive a car with less worth, getting coverage is a good idea. There are always two types of coverage sold together. The limit of the coverage value is the totaled value of your car at the time of incident.
- Collision Insurance- It is paid when your car is hit by another vehicle regardless of fault. It can be paid out if you hit something accidentally like hitting a pole.
- Comprehensive Insurance- It is paid if the car is stolen or gets damaged due to issues like vandalism, fire, falling objects, severe weather or striking any animal.
Cheap Car Insurance with Good Reviews
You can find cheap car insurance from a company having good customer care service. Most of the companies have complaint levels less than the industry average. Complaint numbers from National Association Of Insurance Commissioner, shows the company’s level of complaint related to its size of business with complaint numbers above 1.0 i.e. higher than the industry number.
There are drivers who believe that they overpay for auto insurance
We did a survey of drivers and found that 58% of drivers think that they overpay for auto insurance. The only reason is because drivers frequently switch insurance companies due to cheap rates. In the survey we found that they did this to save their hard earned money. The second best reason was to get 19% coverage. The survey also found that there were more females who changed companies due to price (62%) than males (52%).
Table to show the overpay scenario amongst drivers by insurance companies.
Sentiment about overpaying | % respondent |
Strongly agree | 29% |
Somewhat agree | 24% |
Neither agree or disagree | 11% |
Somewhat disagree | 11% |
Strongly disagree | 8% |
Reasons to change insurance companies by drivers
Type of driver | Average annual rates |
To save money | 58% |
To get different coverage | 19% |
Because I bought a new car | 8% |
Because I moved | 6% |
Because I didn’t like the customer service | 5% |
Because of the company’s advertisement | 2% |
None of the above | 2% |
I don’t remember | 1% |
Company | Avg. Monthly Premium |
Travellers | $112 |
USAA | $114 |
Nationwide | $123 |
GEICO | $129 |
American Family | $131 |
State Farm | $131 |
Farmers | $149 |
Progressive | $157 |
Allstate | $201 |
State | State Minimum Liability | Full Coverage |
Alaska | $34 | $110 |
Alabama | $40 | $124 |
Arkansas | $48 | $155 |
Arizona | $46 | $136 |
California | $47 | $160 |
Colorado | $42 | $155 |
Connecticut | $61 | $131 |
Washington, D.C. | $47 | $124 |
Delaware | $67 | $142 |
Florida | $63 | $209 |
Georgia | $48 | $133 |
Hawaii | $31 | $94 |
Iowa | $23 | $104 |
Idaho | $31 | $120 |
Illinois | $43 | $125 |
Indiana | $35 | $113 |
Kansas | $42 | $146 |
Kentucky | $55 | $168 |
Louisiana | $66 | $275 |
Massachusetts | $40 | $114 |
Maryland | $55 | $115 |
Maine | $32 | $89 |
Michigan | $99 | $229 |
Minnesota | $41 | $112 |
Missouri | $47 | $148 |
Mississippi | $46 | $137 |
Montana | $33 | $134 |
North Carolina | $35 | $92 |
North Dakota | $30 | $120 |
Nebraska | $35 | $146 |
New Hampshire | $31 | $84 |
New Jersey | $76 | $132 |
New Mexico | $38 | $120 |
Nevada | $60 | $159 |
New York | $62 | $133 |
Ohio | $31 | $90 |
Oklahoma | $40 | $137 |
Oregon | $53 | $116 |
Pennsylvania | $33 | $110 |
Rhode Island | $70 | $183 |
South Carolina | $49 | $132 |
South Dakota | $21 | $145 |
Tennessee | $31 | $111 |
Texas | $46 | $138 |
Utah | $49 | $122 |
Virginia | $34 | $90 |
Vermont | $28 | $97 |
Washington | $43 | $110 |
Wisconsin | $32 | $101 |
West Virginia | $44 | $132 |
Wyoming | $27 | $129 |
Who requires full-coverage car insurance?
There are no states that require motorists to carry full coverage car insurance. Comprehensive and collision insurance are never required by any state, in contrast to other types of insurance. However, you must have full-coverage auto insurance if:
You finance or lease your car:
You will likely be required to have complete coverage under your leasing or loan agreement. Your lien holder or lessor will insist that you purchase complete coverage since without comprehensive and collision insurance, your automobile wouldn’t be protected. This is done to safeguard their interest in the vehicle.
You bought a new car:
If you drive a more recent vehicle, full coverage is more likely to be worthwhile. The value of an automobile is highest when it is brand-new, so it is worthwhile to ensure that you are protected in the event that you need to repair or replace it.
You lack the financial means to purchase a car:
Drivers should obtain complete coverage if they couldn’t afford to replace their car in the event of a catastrophic loss. Otherwise, in the event of a collision, they run the possibility of being left completely without a vehicle.
You simply desire more security:
It’s probably still wiser to make sure that damage to your car is covered by insurance even if you might perhaps pay for it yourself. By doing this, you’ll only be responsible for your deductible if your automobile is significantly damaged or totaled rather than having to cover the full cost.
We are sure that this article is of good help to you. Now you can easily choose the cheapest full coverage car insurance company. We have tried to cover all the aspects of this topic from various directions. Do read the whole article thoroughly for better information. Now it will be easy for you to buy the best and the cheapest insurance policy that serves all your possible needs. For more such articles do visit our website.