Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries Controversies

By | September 5, 2013

More often than not when we stroll through the history of inventions and discoveries then we will surely find a lot of stuff according to which there might just seem to be a lot of confusion regarding the invention and discovery itself. This is not just what we feel; this is actually what even the most renowned historians also fell. According to many analysts and historians, it has happened many a times that the original thought was about somebody else but the credit is given to someone else. This is not a rare issue in the history of inventions and discoveries. Here in this article I will state Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries Controversies which still remains in some serious confusions and controversies.

1. The Controversy regarding the Invention of Telephone

Invention of the Telephone

More often than not we will find ourselves reading in a general Knowledge book that Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. But there is much confusion regarding this case. According to the Italians, The credit must be given to Meucci who was the first to design a voice transmitter. It did not have ant receiving part. Although both the people deserve the credit, the controversy is still raging on.

2. The Controversy regarding the invention of Light Bulb

Thomas Edison

We all know that Mr. Thomas Elva Edison is considered to be the main brain behind the creation of the electric bulb, but there lies a huge confusion. According to many historians, British inventor Humphry Davy had also created a bulb which used the crude electric to light itself. Warren De la Rue is also said to have created a bulb when experimenting with filaments. But the controversy is still on as our generation do not even know about the works done by the others.

3. The Controversy regarding the discovery of HIV

Discovery of HIV

In the year 1983 – 84, two groups, submitted a paper in which they had stated about the HIV, The groups were led by American Scientist Robert Gallo and French Scientist Luc Montagnier. It was then only that the controversy had started, who should be given the credit for discovering the cause of this deadly epidemic. The talks are still on.

4. The Controversy regarding the invention of the first flying machine

First Flying Machine

If we consider the modern definition of the term ‘Flying Machines’, there is no doubt of the fact that it is the Wright Brothers who are to be given the credit. But according to many, the first flying machine was not made by the Brothers, rather by Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier who created the balloon for a first Hot Air Balloon ride. This controversy is not about the inventors, but rather about the exact definition of what do you mean by a flying machine.

5. The Controversy regarding the invention of Radio

Invention of Radio

There is no doubt of the fact that the patent for Radio is under the name of Marconi but it is said that Nikola Tesla had already created the Radio transmitter as early as the year of 1891. But he never tried to patent it and neither anyone has any records. Thus, the controversies still exist among the lovers of Radio.

6. The Controversy regarding the invention of Movie Camera

Invention of the Movie Camera: Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries Controversies

There are a lot of people who are given the credits for being the father of the motion picture. In the United States of America, Thomas Elva Edison is considered to be the father of the moving camera and in the United Kingdom; it is William Friese-Greene. There is no hard proof which will support the fact and statements made by the other countries. Thus there still exists this confusion regarding the father of Motion Picture.

7. The Controversy regarding the discovery of Neptune

Discovery of Neptune

There is a lot of political flavor in the controversy regarding the discovery of Neptune. According to the people of England, It was John Couch Adams who was the first to discover and draw the calculations for the planet and according to the French; it was Urbain Le Verrier who made the calculations first. This controversy has led to many politically heated talks in the past between the two countries and still continues to rage.

8. The Controversy regarding the invention of Calculus

Invention of Calculus

Calculus which can easily give heart attacks to a school kid also has had people fighting over it. Many people consider that it was Sir Isaac Newton who discovered and laid down the rules of Calculus and some other believes that it was Gottfried Leibniz. The fact that is undoubted is the fact that both the men independently discovered in the late part of the 1600’s but who did first is still confusion.

9. The Controversy regarding the discovery of Physical North Pole

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We all have read that the first person to trek to the North Pole was the American Scout and Trekker, Frederick Albert Cook in the year 1909. But there are not many proofs to support the statement. Thus he was started to be regarded as a fraud. There is still confusion regarding the truth of the statement and the viability.

10. The Controversy regarding the invention of the Windshield Wiper

 invention of the Windshield Wiper

This is not about some great invention, this is more about the money that was spent in trying to solve confusion i.e. 10 million dollars. According to American inventor Robert Kearns, He created the intermittent windshield wipers and Ford had stolen his patent from him. The case was never solved and the confusion still remains.

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